Hairstyle - The Style Tribune Covering the world of fashion, designers, models, celebrities, beauty, and shopping. Thu, 29 Nov 2018 16:06:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hairstyle - The Style Tribune 32 32 5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress Thu, 29 Nov 2018 16:06:26 +0000 5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress.Beautiful. And radiant, so you will have to be in the most anticipated

The post 5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress first appeared on The Style Tribune.

5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress.Beautiful. And radiant, so you will have to be in the most anticipated day of all and to succeed your bridal look will have to be impeccable. Such as? Making every detail the right complement to the rest of the set , thus creating perfect harmony. In this article we will talk about the different types of wedding hairstyles that can be chosen or matched, as well as for tastes and preferences, depending on the type of wedding dress you will wear. Do you already know what kind of hairstyle to combine with a short wedding dress ? We’ll tell you below!

1. Natural with loose hair5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress

The bridal hairstyles with loose hair on the shoulders become more and more a bridal trend , just take a look at the latest catwalks in the wedding industry. If you too are lovers of hair dropped naturally and softly down the back here are the models of clothes to which you can combine them. Dresses with a bohemian spirit or in a shabby style with shoulders and neck completely uncovered are ideal cuts, as well as a fluid Empire wedding dress with very narrow straps and soft neckline.

2. Cute girls with short hair5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress

If the long cuts are not for you then you will have to focus on the amazing. And hairy bride hairstyles for short hair complemented by incredible glamorous accessories like headbands, turbans, hats with veils or shiny clips! The short hair is perfect for both  vintage wedding dresses with a fifties-like calf-like flared skirt. And other more modern models with an American neckline embellished with embroideries with a tattoo or veil effect!

3. Collected hair is always a good idea5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress

The harvest is always a good choice with all styles of dress  and is also very versatile because depending on how it will be made it will make you look austere and refined as in the case a tall chignon or romantic dreamers with a low crop on curly hair. If your desire is to leave your face completely uncovered these will be the perfect type of hairstyle for you!

4. Stylized lateral crops5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress

If instead you wear a mermaid wedding dress. And you want to bring a particular and quite stylish crop, a lateral wedding hairstyle could be the right solution for your wedding look . Whether in the form of tail or long braid , perhaps embellished with small floral inserts. Or bright stones, it will be able to give the right harmony to the whole outfit . A hairstyle of this type is very suitable for those who want to highlight their profile without leaving the face completely uncovered.

5. Semiraccolti to sweeten5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress

Finally, a versatile middle way are the semi-accepted bridal hairstyles very suitable for women with long hair. And tending to choppy or curly . A soft and delicate half-wash characterized by several locks of hair to frame your face will be able to give the best of itself especially combined with dresses with boat neck. And V, as in the case of princess and empire cuts. heir profile without leaving the face completely uncovered.

The post 5 ideas to choose the hairstyle based on the dress first appeared on The Style Tribune.
